More Energy Less Stress Program
Welcome! My name is Katrina Ray and I'm so happy that you're here.
Watch the introductory video below to learn about the More Energy, Less Stress Program!
This program is very dear to my heart. About 60 days ago, I found out that my beautiful, older sister was diagnosed with Leukemia. She is in the fight for her life as I type this now. One way I thought I could contribute is with a financial donation. One Third of all program sales will go directly to her and her family to support them during this difficult time. If you'd like to follow along her journey, she has created a YouTube Channel here:
My Sister's Cancer Battle
What to Expect from the Program
What's included in the program?
There are 5 different stress-reducing techniques taught in this program. Each technique has two parts: an informational video about what the technique is and an instructional video guiding you through the practice.
Do I have to practice all five techniques to benefit from the program?
Nope! You can stick with just one or you can alternate between the ones that you like best. It's completely up to you and what works best for your body and lifestyle.
How often do I need to practice to benefit from the program?
Because each technique takes as little as five minutes to practice, I recommend making it a daily commitment to your wellbeing. You are teaching your body and mind what it feels like to relax and let go. The more you practice, the faster your body learns how to come back to a more peaceful state when you're feeling stressed. That being said, if you only practice now and again when you feel stressed, you will still get benefit. They are effective techniques that work!
Who is this program designed for?
Everyone and anyone! You don't need to be a certain age, a certain fitness level, or have any special equipment or experience. The great thing is that there are five different techniques to choose from. Pick the one(s) that work best for you and start releasing unwanted stress today.
How do I access the program?
Once you purchase the program, you will be redirected to a webpage that includes the entire online program. I recommend bookmarking this page for easy reference to come back to and practice often. If you have any questions, please reach out to me through the contact form on the bottom of this page.
A Little Bit About Me...
A little bit about me and why I am so passionate about the body and mind connection and creating a more peaceful life.
Growing up in a family of six kids and being the middle child, I was always trying to create peace in the house. Middle child syndrome at it's finest!
We went through a pretty nasty divorce and I often found myself feeling lost, upset, and uncertain about myself and my life.
When I left home, I began desperately looking for a solution of not only creating peace in my body but also in my mind.
It was my 27th birthday when I received a gift from my older brother: a yoga DVD. I pressed play and followed along (pretty clumsily, I might add). At the conclusion of the class, I was instructed to lay down on my back, close my eyes, and completely relax.
It is a moment I will never forget and it's as vivid now as it was back then.
As I lay there, waves of emotions flooded my body, like nothing I had ever experienced before.
As I softly began to cry, these words rang deeply through my being:
"THIS is what you have been searching for!"
It wasn't an item that I could purchase from the store.
It wasn't anything that anyone said or did.
It had nothing to do with my job, my bank account, the weather, or any other outside circumstance...
It was a place deep within me.
I became quite obsessed from that day forward with studying and practicing methods to deepen my connection with myself and my body and access this state of peace within.
It began with yoga, then meditation, then breathing techniques, then somatic practices, and most recently, Tai'Chi.
It is THIS sacred relationship that we cultivate deep within ourselves, our heart, and divine/universal energy that creates the inner peace we all are searching for.
When I found out my older sister had cancer, I was pretty dumbfounded to say the least.
She was the healthiest person I knew. She worked out without fail daily, she ate a super clean diet, she had a beautiful family, and was super successful in her work.
How could someone like that get cancer?!
Come to find out, she had been under a tremendous amount of stress.
Stress, my dear friends, is the number one killer in our society. It wrecks havoc on our physical bodies and mental and emotional wellbeing.
It is the number one reason someone shows up to a doctor's office.
Think about that for just a second.
Not the food you eat, not how much you exercise (or don't exercise), not how successful you are, not where you live, not who you are in relationship with ...
Of course, they factor in, but they are not the number one reason.
After finding out about my sister, I was outside practicing my Tai'Chi as usual and asking myself what I could do to help.
The idea of creating the stress reduction program popped up in my head and I haven't looked back since.
It is my deep desire to help in any way possible to alleviate stress in peoples lives through the practices I've learned AND it is my deep desire to help out my sister and her family financially during this trying time.
If you want to begin reducing stress in your life, have more energy to do the things you love, and help out my sister and her family, I invite you to purchase the More Energy Less Stress Program today.
I'll see you on the other side!
Om Shanti (Give power to Peace)
"Katrina is a bright light with a warm heart. She is strength in tenderness. Katrina believed in me and that I had wisdom inside of me. She trusted that wisdom even when I didn't. She continuously saw in me my best self and reminded me of it. When you begin to see yourself as your best self, old, negative beliefs fall and crumble and you become your best self. Thank you for all of the love, Katrina. I am filled with gratitude for you and for who you are for me."
Alecia R.
"Katrina is a master space holder. This group's intention was Morning Rituals. Katrina created a container to explore what would provide me with the optimal grounding for my day. Time for me to connect with my self, my source, my own knowing In that space, I expanded. I learned that when I bring intention, breath and gratitude to my thoughts each day, magical moments occur. This is what Katrina brought forth with this group. Magical moments. Community, connection and expansion through her tender and thoughtful coaching. She set the tone, held the space, and lead the way. I'm eternally grateful for this time together!"
Kiki S.
"Working with Katrina in her Morning Celebration Group Program was so AMAZING. I received so much more than I expected at the start of the group. What I envisioned was so small compared to what I actually got. Each week, Katrina guided me as I figured out what I wanted my morning routine to look like & each week it changed as I added more to my routine. I LOVE the routine that I now have and it’s been such a blessing to me and my family. I have “me time” in the morning and it is filled with gratitude. Having my morning routine makes me feel wonderful and accomplished before the busyness of my day even starts. Making sure that I have MY MORNING TIME puts me in an amazing mood for the day and I actually look forward to the next morning when I get up to have MY TIME.
The group was women supporting women in a safe space that we could release anything we needed to without any judgement!
I look forward to attending her next group."
Kisha K.
"I’m Becky Hendrickson and I’ve been an Energy Healing coach for 20 years. Anyone who works in Energy Medicine or Coaching will tell you that even though we have the knowledge to help ourselves, we sometimes need gifted people outside of ourselves to help us along our way.
At a time when I had been dealing with major challenges and needed help getting my feet back on my divine path, I was blessed to find Katrina and I started working with her as my life coach. She was everything I knew I needed in a coach. First and foremost, I felt HEARD by her. Trust came easy. She intuitively built our sessions around the visions and aspirations I held for myself. She kept me focused on easy to reach goals that we set together, then celebrated daily and weekly wins with me. She was consistent in her presentations and with her fallow-ups.
Katrina believed in me so genuinely and that made all the difference in the world to me. She gently guided me out of the valley I had been wandering in and back out into the light where I began to thrive again. For that I will be eternally grateful. I love being in her bright light and powerful heart energy. Again, I feel blessed to have her as a friend and a mentor."
Becky H.
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